Erin Andrews’s fight for justice has gone on far too long

Photo by Wade Rackley CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Erin Andrews has finally reached a peak with her fight against Marriott after the horrifying incident in 2008 that exposed Andrews nude, in her hotel room after a stalker videotaped her through the peephole of her hotel room and posted it online.

When I first heard this case, I wondered why would Andrew’s want to sue Marriott? Wouldn’t she want to be attacking her stalker that did all this harm? That was before I read on about how Andrews stalker, Michael Barrett, specifically requested for a room next to Andrews and the hotel willingly agreed so that they wouldn’t lose a customer.

It stunned me speechless how a popular, internationally well known franchise could let something like this happen. In Marriot’s defense, this was only one hotel in Tennessee that clearly showed a lack of proper ownership due to the lack of privacy this hotel would give its customers. For Andrews and most people on earth, customers at hotels expect the hotel to respect a customer’s privacy and security and that should be a basic and strict rule for all hotels.

I’ve never had a problem with Marriott until now. I’ve stayed in Marriott hotels in the Philippines, Sweden and here in the U.S. and never once thought that I was in danger or felt as if my stay there was unpleasant. Almost all the locations around the world have a four- or five-star rate and in my own opinion, all the Marriott hotels I’ve stayed in proved to me their standards. Not anymore.

After this trial with Andrews, I’ve viewed staying at a Marriott hotel or any hotels for the matter in a different way. To make this trial even worse, the defense attorney for Marriott stated that the leaked video of Andrews helped her career in a positive way. This disgusting defense made for Marriott helped me make my decision that I would never stay at any of Marriott’s hotels anywhere across the globe. I stand with Andrews to get the justice that she deserves for a crime that should have been resolved years ago.