Double 0 Sadie’s week changes from Battle of the Sexes to Battle of the Classes

At 2015 Sadie’s Games rally, girls cheer for their gender. Photo by Sierra Young
For the first time since 2009, the rally will be among classes instead of boys versus girls.
Sadie Hawkins is historically a dance where roles are reversed and girls are intended to ask guys. However, ASB added Battle of the Sexes theme to the spring spirit week in past years. Activities Director Mr. Travis Mougeotte said sensitivity toward all students was a factor in the change, due in part to students who face challenges with gender identity, leadership decided to resort to the battle among the classes rally.
“Mougeotte went into depth to the leadership class about how a person identifies themselves. By making the rally boys against girls, it excluded a lot of people, which isn’t how we would like to carry out the rally,” spirit committee member Zach Dart said.
Those who previously felt singled out by the rally appreciate ASB’s recognition of a problem and action to include everyone.
“I think it’s great. It’s so much better than the sexism and exclusion of trans/non-binary kids,” Rayne Johnson said.
Other students preferred the traditional Battle of the Sexes organization of the rally.
“I don’t like that it changed. The whole hype over Sadie’s week was that there was clear competition so everyone got really into dressing up and participating in the rally,” Kelani Learson said.
Other factors may have influenced the decision to shy away from another Battle of the Sexes week. Along with annual social media lashing, a few years ago, the campus parking lot and windows were vandalized on the morning before the rally by the boys. That same year, students were trampled on the gym floor as the winning gender was announced at the end of the rally, causing safety hazards. Last year during the rally, dance team members were treated inappropriately in the show.
While the rally concept is different, the week’s tradition of daily dress-up days and Friday night dance remain unchanged. The dress-up days are:
Monday: Always on the run (athletic apparel)
Tuesday: Keep your friends close and your rivals closer (Rocklin gear or blue clothing)
Wednesday: Suspect profile 9 months to 90 years old (toddler or elderly costume)
Thursday: Masters of disguise (costumes — no masks)
Friday: Last seen wearing… (Flannel Friday)
Double 0 rally is Friday at 11:50 a.m. (rally schedule).
Double 0 Sadie’s dance is Friday at 7 p.m. Tickets will be sold (when) at the student store for $5 with ASB, $10 without and $20 for guests and at the door. All detentions must be cleared to purchase a ticket.