Pegboard Nerds unveil brilliant song and campaign

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ListenOnRepeat | YouTube Repeat, a website used to repeat those endearing songs or amusing videos that you just can’t help but constantly think about in your mind, constantly updates their website with the top 10 most repeated videos. Never have I ever been more joyous and excited when I discovered this new gem at the Number 10 spot. This new gem, by Pegboard Nerds.
Going into the song, I was a bit apprehensive, even having listened to basically all of Pegboard Nerds’ songs before. Pink Cloud as a general term refers to a euphoric high a drug addict receives when suffering through withdrawals, and I didn’t know what kind of style the music would be.
The happiness I felt from hearing this song might as well be induced by a drug if you think about how addicted I am to this song. Not just the title, but the actual song’s light and melodic beats leave me instinctively tapping my feet or just feeling stupidly happy.
Although I much prefer some of their heavier bass songs, I have no real complaints towards Pink Cloud. Even the singer they paired up with, Max Collins, has a voice that accentuates lyrics like “I don’t care if they’re talking about us / I don’t care if they put us down.”
It doesn’t matter if they’re purposely trying to use these cheesy lyrics to make you feel like you can conquer the world, the lyrics mixed with the upbeat style of the song makes me feel like I’m actually flying.
Music is just something that can make you feel better, and “Pink Cloud” is no exception. It’s not only working to make the listener happy, but the world a better place.
For the month of October, buying any Pegboard Nerds merchandise or the EP itself donates all proceeds towards research to the cure for breast cancer. With the title being Pink Cloud, it fully supports the push towards finding a cure, and they’ve even gotten #pinkcloud trending with big names like Monstercat and Only the Beat to help support them.
Over the course of this month, they’ve already raised $15,000 and are hoping to double that. The song itself is in an album dedicated to helping breast cancer research, and what better kind of song to battle the things that weigh us down than this.
Despite all the times that people are going through, whether it be people fighting cancer or just high school students like us going through societal struggles, Pink Cloud feels so relatable as a person, and that’s part of what makes it feel so appealing.
With messages to people like, “Cause we don’t let the bad vibes get in/ We don’t let them win,” I can’t help but feel encouraged to keep the positivity, which may sound cliché and whatnot, but I guarantee you that’s the kind of things this song does to you.
For a lazy person like me, who won’t even take those 10 steps out of bed to get a drink of water, this song really pushes me more than any kindness lesson ever will. There’s no point in being negative when so much negativity already exists out there.
Whatever the case, this song got me addicted, and not in the annoying, catchy song that you just want to get out of your head because it keeps pestering you, but more in the way that it is so good that I just want to keep reminding myself of what it sounds like.
Whether you’re a fan of EDM, dubstep, electronic music and anything of the sort, I would strongly encourage you to check out this song and Pegboard Nerd’s website