Hailey Leach holds up a signs of hurtful words
We grow up in a skin that we either grow to hate or learn to love. We all have our own problems and the fact that someone can go up and hurt someone physically or mentally is not okay, nor will it ever be okay. Bullying happens everyday, but the worst type of bullying is cyber-bullying; people are tremendously affected by it.
Grace Goodrich has been affected by cyber-bullying since her seventh grade year at Spring View Middle School. She believes cyber-bullying should be brought to attention because people should know how harmful and hurtful their words can be.
“I was getting bullied on this one website, Askfm. People were saying really mean things to me. I think the worst ones were people telling me to go kill myself,” said Grace Goodrich.
Statistics say that about 4,500 people commit suicide each year due to any form of bullying. Cyber-bullying is different compared to bullying in person because online you can hide your identity and say meaner things without people knowing who you are. Bullying in person is different because people get more scared to say what they want to the other persons face.
“Being cyber-bullied is kind of like the guessing game, because you are trying to think of all these people who possibly may not like you, and they just come to your mind and that makes you feel even more insecure. Whereas if someone is saying things to your face you are more like, okay you don’t like me whatever that’s fine that’s your issue,” said Bailey Adkins.
Social media is a website enabled to create or share content with friends or others around you. Statistics say there are about 15,000 abusive tweets per hour on Twitter. Speak up when you, or someone you know is being bullied. Statistics say that about 95% of teens witness cyber-bullying but don’t speak up.
“I didn’t bring my own bullying experiences to an adults attention, I didn’t want police to get involved and I didn’t think that it was that big of a deal,” said Goodrich.
Bullying can be caused by the bully having problems at home. The bully could be insecure with themselves and that’s the reason to put others down to make themselves feel better. Sometimes children can’t control their emotions and if they are angry and mad they tend to take it out on others. cyber-bullying can go from saying a mean name to making a fake account about somebody.
“This girl called me many mean names and tagged it on a Facebook photo just because I took a picture with a guy she liked,” said Hailey Leach.
Jealousy is what takes control over many bullies. Going up to someone or commenting on their picture to say what you want to say will never be acceptable.
“My freshman year, one of my “best friends” made a fake account and cyber bullied me because they felt that I was getting more attention than them from people. I have been bullied in person this year, and it was really difficult for me because I am almost an adult and I didn’t think that, that still happened to people my age. It was actually the same person that bullied me freshman year. It was for 6 months, it was constant torture. It was awful, I didn’t know how to go about the situation. I think it was a pride thing because I’m grown up now but I eventually went up to the office and explained what was happening and how we need to do something about it,” Adkins said.
Not only do girls get cyber-bullied but boys do too. 83% of girls and 79% of boys report being bullied in person and online.
“I posted a picture of my new soccer cleats and some kid commented and said, ‘Those will look good on the bench,’” said Anthony Piziali.
Cyber-bullying happens everyday. Over 52% of teens report being cyber-bullied. Any form of bullying should be brought to attention. If suicide thoughts occur and you are to scared to speak up call a suicide hotline at: 800-784-2433.
Adkins said, “Bullying made me realize that not everyone is going to like you, but at the end of the day you have to like yourself and that’s all that matters.”