Students come together to make news

Photo provided by Devin Foster
STN, Student Television Network, the trip where about 2 thousand kids from all over the country come together in San Diego at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. The STN trip was about broadcasting students joining each other and having contests on their skills.
This trip was only available to students of advanced broadcasting classes — so only sophomores, juniors, and seniors were able to attend.
“It’s really fun and cool because you get to meet people from all around the country that do the exact same thing you do,” said Kalli Turner.
They had sessions where they had groups and leaders that they would talk about the topics they had to do.
“I went to one on stand ups, and filmmaking,” Devin Foster said.
All students from Whitney had an individual project and then they were put into a group. Foster and Nicole Camarda, along with others chose to do a project called ‘Crazy 8.’ This project was an eight hour contest to put together a TV show or website. The group that did “Crazy 8” decided to create both a show and website, and placed second for their website project.
Turner, Sammi Willis, Michael Abshear, and Noah Spahn made a movie called “Blair in the Pines.” Their group won Best Cinematography and Best Editing.
“We’ve only placed in [the category] one other time ever and it was a long time ago. So, that was really exciting because we didn’t think we would place at all,” Turner said.
Throughout all the hard work and effort, the Broadcasting class put the name out there for Whitney. In addition to them winning equipment and cameras, they also won platinum in Best Overall Broadcasting Program.