Multiple long term substitutes transition on and off of campus

Mrs. Stephanie Ireland works with a student on their homework assignment.

Long term substitute Mrs. Stephanie Ireland found it difficult to transition onto campus as long term, however students like Paige Abley believe that the transition back to their old teacher is the harder part of the transition.

Ireland, long term substitute for chemistry and physics teacher Mrs. Erin Johnson, will be learning how to truly teach a class for the first time. Not only is she teaching, but she also is learning the material as she teaches it.

“It was cool because I learned the information as much as they did. I also used YouTube or the Khan Academy and stayed after school to help the students, and I learned the information. And if they are ahead of me, I’ll go home and learn it and find the answer for them,” Ireland said.

As Ireland stepped on campus and entered into her first day of school, she was nervous and felt a bit scattered with her work. Although she did understand the technology and did not have a tough time finding her resources, the material was slightly more difficult because she had never taught physics or chemistry before, and is more interested in teaching biology.

“The first day was horrible, because I had to acclimate to the routine and what you have to do every day. It takes a lot of time to prepare for a lesson,” Ireland said.

Other teachers that have been a absent for long periods of time such as Mrs. Emily Thomas, have had long term substitutes. Generally, if the teacher is on maternity leave like Thomas or Johnson, the substitute will teach for around six weeks, and is normally responsible for teaching at least one entire unit. This requires substitutes like Ireland to learn all the material as well as teach itl.

“The staff was a huge help and helped me transition. They have been a great resource to me,” Ireland said.

Ireland hopes her efforts and the help she has received from the staff have made the transition into having a substitute easier so the students are still gaining the support they need.

Students such as Emily Becker and Paige Abley find the transition, although not so easy for some long term substitutes, fairly easy when a long term substitute comes to teach; especially when a new unit is being started at the time.

“With the substitute, it’s more lenient. You don’t have as much pressure, or strict rules. It was definitely easier,” Abley said.

Another reason why the transition was difficult was due to the different teaching styles of each teacher.

“I feel it’s more difficult now because it’s different teaching styles. Now that [my substitute] is gone I have to transition. We do a lot more analyzing now; [Mr. Ansley] is a lot more laid back and gives us time to do our own work,” Becker said.

Ireland recalls times where the preparation she had to complete and the learning that she must do with it can become stressful, especially within a six week period. However, the students, in the end, do benefit from their efforts and feel more comfortable with them as time passes.

As transition back to their original teacher can be difficult for the students, Ireland feels she will have a just as difficult time leaving the students she has taught over the weeks.

Ireland said, “I just love the kids. I’m going to be done in two weeks, and I totally know I’m going to break down and cry.”