Utterly and completely DONE with high school couples
A relationship where the two individuals barely know each other, they confess their love for one another after an insanely short amount of time and they fight with their parents about their relationships. If this doesn’t sound familiar, either you need to catch up on your Shakespeare or you didn’t attend high school.
I am not a big fan of high school relationships because all of them are the same, endless amounts of “#MCM’s (Man Candy Monday)” and “#WCW’s (Woman Crush Wednesday)” posted of each others on Instagram, the “‘I am endlessly in love with you’s’” after just one week of dating and the major PDA they produce in the hallways.
Often when the couples are dating, the parents don’t know about the relationship. Either for the reasons the parents don’t allow the individual to date or they don’t approve of the boyfriend/girlfriend (so many Romeo and Juliet similarities, things obviously didn’t change much from 1550’s.)
The Huffington Post says about 11% of high school relationships are long term and end up successful.There are nearly 2,000 students attending Whitney High School. So if each student was in a relationship there would 1,000 relationships. That would make about 91 of the 1,000 relationships successful.
Of course there are always exceptions, there are (and not enough) couples that take things seriously and aren’t childish about their relationship, and that’s what makes a relationship successful and likable!