New AP World History teacher welcomed
New AP World History teacher Travis Mougette reviews a quiz with his class on Feb. 26
First-year teacher Katie Staggs leaves behind her history classes on Feb. 14 to embrace a life in England.
“My husband is in the military and he was transferred to England. Originally, I was supposed to finish off the year here and then meet him later in June. Unfortunately that isn’t how it is happening and I have to leave now,” Staggs said.
In place of the geography and AP World History teacher, Travis Mougette has taken over.
“I actually went to Rocklin High School as a student and ever since then, I’ve wanted to teach in this area. Then when I heard Mrs. Staggs was leaving, I knew I really wanted this job,” Mougette said.
Students were taken aback by the sudden news of their teacher leaving. They were unaware of Staggs’ plans until a week before she was to leave.
“I had no idea she was leaving until a rumor starting going around that she was moving. At first I didn’t believe it because it was so sudden. Then when she announced it to our class, I was surprised,” Tyler Kim said.
Staggs’ students have taken her absence with caution. Many fear that the new teaching style will disrupt their learning, especially students with the AP test coming up in May. Mougette and Staggs have worked together to help the transition between teachers.
“Hopefully I can format the class the same ways that Mrs. Staggs did. I don’t want the students to think I’m taking over and becoming a dictator. I want the transition to be nice,” Mougette said.
Staggs wants students to know they can email her at any time with any questions.
Staggs said, “I still want to be there for my students. They can always email me and I’d be more than happy to answer their questions. Actually, Mr. Mougette and I were thinking of maybe setting up some form of Skype one class, just so I can see the students again.”