Top 5 Life Changing Moments

1. Becoming a licensed driver:

Since I was a little girl I had fantasized about the day day I would turn 16 and get my license that very day. Unfortunately, getting my license did not exactly play out like how I would imagine.  I did not get my license on my 16th birthday like I had always anticipated because I got my permit late. Instead of starting to work on it over the summer I waited until school started to get my pink slip through Driver’s Ed class. However, three months after my 16th birthday on May 3rd I passed my license on the first try with only two minor mistakes. I literally learned how to maneuver a car in just four months. I began my driver’s training lessons 2 months after I got my license and that was my first time ever being behind the wheel. And in just 4 short months later I was able to get my license.

2. Obtaining my first job:

My entire life I have always been independent and when I want something (not materialistic) I always make sure to go get it. Another one of my dreams since I was young was to get a job when I turned 16. My parents would not let me work during school, so as soon as the school year came to an end I began filling out applications for a summer job. I applied to several places and after persistence and dedication I was hired at Delia’s in the Galleria mall. I did not necessarily need the money or was forced to work I wanted to do it for myself, gain the experience and the responsibility. It was a great experience and opportunity which really shaped my aspect of working.

3. Entering my first serious relationship:

On November 29 I was able to begin something I had wanted for so long; I became involved in my first serious and mature relationship. It is different from my past relationships because now I am older and ready to settle down(at a high school level) and just be with one person. So far it has been everything I expected and yearned for and I am very happy in my relationship. It is also a bonus that this came about right in time for ‘cuffing season’ and ‘cuddle weather’. This was probably my favorite part of 2013 however, I can not wait to see what 2014 has in store for my boyfriend and I.

4. Traveling to Mexico on my first cruise:

I my short 16 years of life I have traveled about 10 different states by several different methods of transportation such as by plane, car and train. However, I had never been outside of the country or on a cruise ship. It was probably the most fun I have ever and a once in a lifetime opportunity. I thought I was going to be scared being on the cruise and get seasick, however you forget you are even on a ship. It is like being in a hotel, that is until you look outside the window; and you can barely feel the ship moving.

5. Went to ‘Would You Like A Tour?’ featured by Drake, Miguel and Future:

Over the summer my sister and I won tickets to see Drake, Miguel, Future and other special performers in ‘Would You Like A Tour?’. The concert was this past November and it was one of the best nights of my life. My sister and I bought matching tops and rocked our cutoff T shirts with Drake’s face printed on them to the concert. The concert was such a big deal because I was able to see my 2 favorite musicians, Miguel and Drake, perform. Along with performing his old songs, Drake featured many of his songs from his latest “Nothing Was The Same”, which I am obsessed with. I also knew the words to every song Miguel sang and Jhene Aiko, an artist I have recently began listening to, came out and performed.