Top 5 things I’d like to forget

Top 5 Things I’d like to forget

Haven Lambrite

1. Jumping Fail

 In the 2nd semester of 8h grade I decided it would be a good idea to jump over the pickleball net because everyone was doing it. I ended up tripping over the net and getting my foot caught which was embarrassing because it was in front of not only my entire PE class but also about 60 more kids in the portable classrooms.

2. Broken Nose

 Over the summer I was laying with my dog upstairs with one of those animatronic toys that open their eyes and bark, so they were around 2 lbs, well what happened was my mom came upstairs and around that time my dog Lucy flings the toy at my moms face and broke her nose instantly. Basically her breaking her nose was partially my fault considering I’m the one who gave Lucy the toy.

3. Drama

The entire month of September sucked for me. It was full o pointless and annoying drama mostly from the courtesy of the website where basically every teenage girl gets hate despite how great of a person you are. Anyways I’d just want to forget that month entirely.

4. Wrecking Ball 

As a kid one of my favorite TV shows was Hannah Montana. I’ve watched every movie and every single episode, as I’ve always been a fan of Miley since I was about 8 or 7. I always wanted to be like her, you could say she was my childhood role model. Well It wasn’t to great to see her swinging naked in the music video “Wrecking Ball”. Don’t get me wrong,  I love the song but I didn’t exactly enjoy seeing my childhood role model lick a hammer half naked.

5. Quarry Bowl

I went to my first Quarry Bowl this year, and I slipped and fell in the dirt walking to the snack bar. Not fun having dirt all over my back the entire football game. My entire back of the shirt was covered with dirt, I managed to get most off but not all. Also with all the trash talk on twitter I really expected for Whitney to win, apart from that I really did have a fun time at the Quarry Bowl.