Club Rush commenced during the intervention and lunch period on Sept. 25 with all students released from class to attend in the amphitheater and surrounding areas. From Drama to Zumba to Drag, clubs had the chance to display what they are about to the school.
Club Rush is an event that gives clubs a chance to show off and get people to join. Each club makes a sign and and a table set up with necessities for their clubs. The Alpha F Club had all things pink on their table while the Culinary Club baked cookie.
“I think many clubs have realized that you need some type of food to get people to come to your table. Food really helps get your club out there and noticed,” Sami Willis said.
After cleaning up their booths, club members reflected on the event.
“The turnout was great. More of the students this year were into it and more people signed up, which makes it more exciting. We got a lot of people to sign up but there’s always room for improvement and we will discuss that in our meeting,” Drama Club member Justine Freschi said.
More than 35 clubs out there that had their own table to share information and convince people to sign up for their club. Freshman experiencing their first Club Rush weren’t so sure what to expect.
“I didn’t think it would be as cool as it was. [The freshmen] had to join clubs as an assignment from our teacher and we even had to get the club adviser to sign it to prove that we signed up to join. I was just planning to sign up and not show up, but after going through it I will probably end up going. It was so much fun,” Malea Alexander said.
Returning students could not wait for the annual event.
Ellen Mamula said, “Club Rush is one of the best parts of the new school year. Clubs don’t get enough hype and talk as they should, and this is a way to showcase all the cool idea our peers thought of.”