I walked into Blue Oaks Cinema full of excitement for the movie I had been longing to watch. I grabbed a front row seat just in time to see the names of some favorite actors, such as James Franco and Selena Gomez, rolling across the screen. This movie had been so positively promoted as “The Movie of the Year,” “A Must-See” and “The Ultimate Spring Break.” I just knew that I was going to love “Spring Breakers;” at that moment I sat back comfortably in my seat…the movie was starting! I was completely wrong. The entire movie I found myself waiting for ‘the good part,’ it was not until the credits overtook the screen in the end did I realize there was no ‘good part’.
“Spring Breakers,” starring Vanessa Hudgens, Selena Gomez, Rachel Korine, Ashley Benson and James Franco was the exact opposite and did not live up to its high expectations. Even with the knowledge of R rating of this movie, the amount of nudity and vulgar language is very unexpected and unforeseen. It portrays the crazy college party movie of teens who just want to have fun. However, there is an extreme abundance of drugs, sex and the utmost provocative language and scenes. Two of the main stars, Vanessa Hudgens and Selena Gomez, whose acting background originates from the Disney Channel, portray “bad girls” who do not have a problem with revealing their body. With their roles in Spring Breakers they got the point across; they are no longer the teen Disney stars we once fell in love with.
Overall, this movie has no essential point and the storyline is one that is hard to follow. These “good girls” began the movie as innocent characters but immediately convert to criminals, mix in with wrong crowd while putting their life at risk and end with crime that have the audience shocked. The main characters appear to be your normal and average teen girls; however these girls go to extreme measures to make sure they would have an unforgettable Spring Break. And that is exactly what they did, made sure their Spring break was memorable. Many would agree the plot does not even make much sense with the scattered storyline. Also, the story is very unrealistic and one that only a very few if any could relate to.This movie has found its way into the genre of: Trashy and Vibrant Teen Crime Drama. Personally, I did not enjoy the movie and was disappointed in something I had once had such a high hopes for. I would rate this movie a 5/10 or two thumbs down. I do not recommend anyone to waste their money, unless you have a love for sketchy and tacky teenage dramas.