As the breeze blew and the sun shone, families milled around the Hot Chili Cool Cars in downtown Rocklin. Every year, in the month of September, families come out to visit Rocklin’s Hot Chili Cool Cars, an event where more than 100 classic car owners and dozens of chili cooks compete for a variety of prizes. On Sept.15, 40 to 50 WHS JROTC cadets headed out to help set up in the morning by directing traffic, assisting vendors, monitoring the outer roads with security and ended the day with clean up.
Annually, JROTC helps work this event.
“We do this every year because it’s good for the group to plan and organize. Usually the teachers just supervise,” Colonel Michael Fernandez said.
A group of senior leaders, called the Cadre, helped organize the volunteer work.
“Having the responsibility is a little stressful but the whole cadre really works together to get things planned,” senior cadet Molly Miles said.
By volunteering the cadets get community service hours towards graduation.
“Each individual cadet can earn anywhere from five to 11 hours of community service just on this day alone,” Miles said.
“The morning was busy with everyone from JROTC setting up but throughout the day people came and it was nice and calm,” junior cadet Andre Jimenez said.
For some cadets this year’s event is their third or fourth time volunteering.
“This is my third year doing it and I will do it again, since I enjoyed it,” Jimenez said.