With a record breaking 1900 students enrolled here, hundreds of students have gotten schedule changes, whether they wanted to or not. There is a three week window to add or drop a class, after which students are stuck with the schedule they have. Counselor Mrs. Roisin LeRoy said that almost 60-70 percent of students apply for schedule changes in just the first few weeks of school. Because of the large amount of students in attendance this year many students did not get the classes they were hoping for, and as a result, applied to get their schedules changed. However, there is a limit to what students can and can’t change.
“We don’t usually allow elective changes. Students can drop an AP class in the first three weeks of school. We have to put a deadline for these schedule changes or else the applications would never end,” LeRoy said.
Hard as it was for the counselors to keep up with the scheduling demands it was just as hard for the students going through the process. Devin Biondi had his schedule changed to add an advanced class. Biondi said that the overall process was difficult as it required many different things.
“It was hard because you have to get teacher and parent approval and wait for approval from your counselor. It’s kind of nerve wracking because you don’t know if you’ll get it or not,” Biondi said.
Difficult as it was, the transition was very smooth as Biondi only had a few of his periods changed while the majority remained the same.
Therese Perez, another student who had her schedule changed, chose to drop a class rather than add one. Unlike Biondi, she thought the change was easy and efficient.
“The counselor was very helpful and helped me through the process,” Perez said. “The people in the office are nice and willing to help you, so just be calm.”
Students only have the first three weeks to apply for schedule changes otherwise their schedule is set in stone, also elective changes don’t usually get through. Most importantly, talk to the counselors and other students and see what they have to say about getting a schedule change.