All coaches must follow the school’s set sports requirements, but they still have a subjective opinion whereas possible players are concerned. Most of the coaches said they were looking for well-rounded athletes who are coachable, are capable in school, and have an overall pleasant personality. Coach Robert Dorchak uses a formula to rate his players according to physical ability and academic ability.
“I rank all my potential players (sophomores through seniors) in order of their GPA. Then, they get ranked according to their Quality Points (points earned from their batting practice rounds and outstanding defensive plays over the course of the week). I add these two ranked numbers together and divide by two. I will take the top 12. Spots 13 and above go to pitchers and students with high GPAs,” Dorchak said.
If a student has the necessary qualifications, he or she may openly go to any tryout. Each sport is held on a different part of the athletic side of the school’s campus depending on the sport and the coach’s preference. Baseball tryouts and practices are held on the boys’ baseball fields, golf practices are subject to open courses throughout the season, girls’ softball tryouts and practices are held either on the grass field or the football field, girls’ softball tryouts and practices are held on the girls’ softball fields, swim practices are held at the pool, boys’ tennis practices are held at the tennis courts, track practices are held at the track and boys’ volleyball tryouts and practices are held in either the big or small gym.
“Try-outs generally last from a few days until after the teams’ first scrimmage, but it is entirely up to the coaches how they handle their try-outs,” athletic director Mr. Manny Rodriguez said.
All tryouts and practices are presently happening for each sport with times depending on each sport. Practice times range from 3 p.m. to 5-6 p.m. Coaches are looking for good grades and dedication to his or her sport and there are still many spots available on most teams.