Candidates compete for 2020-21 leadership roles in ASB election

Leadership has opted for an online election week due to school closure in response to COVID-19 health guidelines. This election selects the 2020-21 ASB executive board. Voting will be open for students from 1-3 p.m. on April 30 through a survey sent to their RUSD email address. Before voting, students should read below to learn more about the candidates for the Voice of Whitney, president, vice president and treasurer along with their plans if elected. There are no candidates for secretary and the position will be appointed by activities director Mr. Jesus Armas. 


Meet Espen Sterri — he spends his time golfing with friends at Catta Verdera Country Club- “My plans for Voice are to get students more excited to support other athletes by being super fun and crazy. We need to be the biggest and loudest school everywhere we go. People should vote for me because I am crazy spirited, fun, loud, and love being a leader for Whitney.”





Meet Ifé-Michaela Spencer — she enjoys being involved in church, girl scouts, playing basketball and editing videos- “High School is only four years and it should be one of your highlights of your life. If elected as Voice, I promise to try my best to make the student body’s year memorable. One of my main goals is to make sure everyone feels comfortable on campus. If Whitney High School wants a fun school year and wants to feel more included as a campus, they should vote for me.”



Meet James Marvin  — he enjoys playing football, soccer and going out with friends- “My plans for Voice are to make sure our school gets the best experience we can for the 2020-21 school year. People should vote for me because I am willing to do anything for my school and everyone that goes to Whitney.”




Meet Wesley Mason  — his favorite thing outside of school is to chase the bag- “My plans [as Voice] are to change the culture at Whitney High School to become the best and loudest campus in our area. Plan = to go hard. People should vote for me because I’m crazy, loud and wanna have a good time, all the time.”





Meet Blake Whitney  — he loves to go fishing with friends- “My plans as president are to create an increase in school spirit and cultural change on campus that will make it a more welcoming and fun place to be. I will always keep the best interests of the students in mind and be there to represent them. I am always willing to use ideas and opinions from my peers to make the school a better place.”




Meet Kailee Hamilton  — her favorite thing to do outside of school is to go boating in the summer with friends and family- “As president, I hope to help all groups on campus, both students and staff members, to feel included, valued, and welcomed on campus. I want to help teach everyone the importance of cherishing what we have and the times we have together … I want people to vote for me because I am very dedicated to Whitney and hope that by the time I graduate, I have left my mark on campus. I’m hardworking, passionate about both the student’s and staff member’s lives, and treat this school like a second home. I hope people learn that they can look up to me and that I am someone they can talk to if they ever need anything.”


Meet Brooke Blatnick  — outside of school, you can find her at the community theater singing, dancing and teaching younger performers, or practicing a halftime routine with her team in the cafeteria- “My goal as vice president is to create a cohesive and welcoming environment to make four grades feel like one. I would love for people to vote for me because I have participated in the leadership class since my freshman year, and last year I got the opportunity to serve as spirit commissioner, which helped me develop a greater insight to the wants and needs of the students at Whitney. I am also extremely involved in many different student activities which means I will be able to reach and represent all students around campus.”


Meet Darienne Sandhu — when she is not at school, she loves to go on hikes and relax outside with her family- “My plans as vice president are to create a memorable school year for all the students. Especially this coming year, after being gone for six months and losing some of those big, fun and final activities, it will be important to make up for those with exciting events. I also want to help the student body create memories that will last a matter the circumstances. People should vote for me because I care. I care about the school and I care about the students at the school. This will be my fourth year in leadership at Whitney, and I want my last year to be my personal best and the best for all the students on campus. Further, the vice president chairs the class officers, in the past I was a class officer so I would be beneficial in that aspect. Also as the vice president you work with the Broadcast program directly. I have been a part of WCTV19 for the past two years, so I have knowledge of how to appropriately and easily coordinate that work as well. It comes down to making the school a better place for all students.”


Meet Katie Lomba  — she enjoys taking photos, running, and being involved in clubs on campus- “As treasurer, my plan is to bring innovative ideas to the table and make them more efficient. Since using piggy banks in elementary to getting my first job, I have learned responsibility and organization for handling money. I have passion and care for this job and the school as well. Vote for me because I will work for you guys, to advocate and get the activities you want, and let you be heard.”



Editor’s note: Lomba is both a candidate for office and a member of Whitney High Student Media. She is running unopposed for treasurer.