Golden Spikes Longhorns prepare for their journey to Cooperstown, New York

Ready to go. Addison Brittain unpacks his bag to get ready for the start of a evening practice on April 20 at Ace Field. If you don’t show up to practice your playing time on tournament days gets cut down.

Gather up. Most of the twelve man team was at practice and kneeled in the outfield of Ace Field on April 20 to listen to Head Coach, Mike Allen, give them tips on how to improve on their game. The boys kneel and talk for at least 15 minutes a practice. “I enjoy watching the boys practice so hard to reach their goals. It is teaching them valuable life lessons,” said Sarah Oyler.

Up it goes. Tim Oyler uses a pitching machine at Ace Field on April 20 to get the baseballs out into center field. The boys practices last about two hours multiple times a week.

Catch a baseball. Luke Oyler catches a routine pop fly in the outfield of Ace Field on April 20 to get the out. Luke works hard every day to keep improving his skills. “Practice will help you prepare for game like situations where you need to be mentally tough,” Luke Oyler said.

Hydration is key. Luke Allen takes a break during practice at Ace Field on April 20 in order to stay hydrated during the warmer weather. The boys have won the last two consecutive tournaments.

Tagged out. Brandon O’Connell gets tagged out at home plate by assistant Coach Jake after a throw to home at Ace Field in Lincoln, California on April 20. The boys practice two to three times a week in order to better themselves to place in their Cooperstown, New York trip.

Feels like home. Five of the boys on the team are running towards home to celebrate scoring a run in a scrimmage game they do for fun and practice at Ace Field on April 20. The boys do game like plays in order to practice for real game like situations.

Thirst quencher. Luke Allen, Brandon O’Connell, and Addison Brittain drink the Gatorades that Coach Mike Allen brought in the dugout of Ace Field on April 20. The team has all twelve year old boys on it.

Take a knee. All of the boys that showed up to practice at Ace Field on April 20 stood in front of Coach Mike Allen to discuss the plays they need to work on before the next tournament. The boys all work hard to achieve their goals.