On a game on Sept. 20 vs Oakmont, Isaac Pederson throws a ball away from the end zone. Photo by Cheyenne Drewick.
In order to know a little more about the men’s varsity water polo team, Isaac Pederson shares on the topic. The team is sixth in league out of eight teams. The next game will take place Oct. 25 at Antelope, a team the Wildcats beat previously Oct. 2nd, 15-3.
Q: How does this season compare to past seasons?
A: This year we have new coaches and they have Olympic experience. They focus a lot more of each individual athlete and highlight everyone’s strengths.
Q: What are your strengths as a team?
A: We are a pretty young team, only having one senior. This could be a strength because since we’re young, we are open minded and we look up to older people and learn from them.
Q: What are your weaknesses?
A: I know I called being young a strength, but it’s also a weakness. Since we’re young we have less experience than some other people in other high schools.
Q: How are you guys planning on improving your weaknesses for your upcoming games?
A: Our team is planning on going to more competitions so we can grow together. We all are going to try to be on a competition team together as well.
Q: What do your practice look like and how often do you guys practice?
A: We practice everyday from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. In the beginning of practice we always warm up and stretch, then run drills. Something new that our coaches brought to our practice is suicides. They normally do them at Olympics and they focus on elevations out of the water, really working your legs and abs.
Q: Is there anything you want the readers to know?
A: I’m a new goalie; this is my first year ever doing it. With the help of the new coaches they taught me well and gave me the capability to perform at a new level with goalies who’ve been doing it awhile.