Photo illustration by ANIKA TERPSTRA
As the winter winds continue to sweep the warm beds of many teens, sleep habits begin to change rapidly throughout the cold months. From piling on wool blankets to blasting the heat all night, students somehow manage to stay bundled up in the comfort of their room while angry parents complain about the electric bill. In December 2010 Rocklin reached a low of 16 degrees.
Though winter nights can be a good excuse to cuddle with that special someone it can cause people to feel unmotivated to get out of bed in the morning and just stay cozy under their sheets.
“To stay warm I wear footed pajamas when it super cold because they are super comfy and keep your feet warm,” Kayla Krogh said. At Target ( you can purchase footed pajamas for about $20 to $24.
The dramatic change in sleeping habits from summer to winter differs for each person. Every individual has his/her own way of beating the heat or staying warm, but it’s a personal choice whether you decided to hog the covers or shed the sheets.
“I don’t really do anything different in the winter, it was about 20 degrees in my bedroom last night and I slept with just a pillow and a sheet,” Trevor Parker said.
Staying warm isn’t always costly though. suggests burning some wood in the fireplace, leaving the oven open after you bake, and switching to flannel sheets to avoid running up the electric bill. Another way to stay clear of the chills is to dress in layers, layers, layers! Wool, especially, is a great way to combat the cold.
So, next time you think about turning that heat dial, think again. Cold weather does not always mean expensive winters.