After watching this film both the day before and the day on the premiere. I’ve already come across a lot of details of how amazing it turned out to be.
“Rogue One: A Star Wars” story completely succeeded in the large expectation for most if not every Star Wars film, even after the release of “Episode 7: The Force Awakens.” Directed by Gareth Edwards, some doubted how it really would turn out after he directed the 2014 film Godzilla. However, the newest film to the Star Wars franchise ended up to be exactly what we wanted. With the cinematography, acting and overall style of the film, it turned out to be one of the best.
The story follows Jyn Erso, Cassion Andor, his reprogrammed imperial droid K-2SO and others on the mission to steal the Death Star plans with others apart of the rebel alliance. Otherwise known as Rogue One, willing to stop at nothing in order to take down this battle station capable of destroying entire planets. However the empire director, Orson Krennic will do whatever it takes to stop them, as long as he’s in command.
Like every Star Wars film, new planets were also introduced, and some stood out more than others. For example the planet Scarif stands out the most in the film, it’s a tropical island based planet with a highly protected imperial base containing secret information such as the Death Star plans. And then Jedha, a desert and dry planet that used to inhabit most Jedi. It contains kyber crystals that are capable of powering weapons such as lightsabers and the Death Star itself. During the movie, the empire was seen collecting as much as they can find.
The characters overall are well-developed and bring a new, fresh feeling to the Star Wars franchise. Jyn obviously gives a strong female presence to the movie. Similar to Rey from Episode 7, she was determined and willing to fight for what was right. Captain Cassion Andor is the labeled strong follower of the rebel alliance, fighting for the cause since he was a young boy. While on the other hand he has his droid K-2SO, with a very lovable and comedic personality. Chirrut Imwe and his friend Baze Malbus are protectors of the kyber crystals that Jyn stumbles upon in her journey. Baze is an average-skilled gunman capable of holding his own while Chirrut is a blind staff wielder that uses the force and years of training to protect himself. The last member of Rogue One is Bodhi Rook, A storage pilot for the empire that decided to change his ways and work for the rebellion.
Classic characters from the original series also appear in the new film and take part in their own roles. These characters include Darth Vader, Tarkan and Mon Mothma. And really any film with Darth Vader included in scenes is worth the watch.
The film also included many new designs. Trooper armor and ships really added to the overall freshness of the film. For stormtroopers, there were three different armors created. The Scarif trooper was set to be patrolled only around the planet Scarif itself. The Tank trooper piloted vehicles such as imperial tanks and AT-ATs. And last was the Death troopers, an elite group of stormtroopers that protected Director Krennic throughout the film. The two main new ships were both on the rebellion and the empire, the U-Wing and the Tie Striker.
One factor of the entire film that seemed to be weak was the soundtrack. It was in fact well made, however at most times the soundtrack was placed at strange times. When the Death Star is first introduced, they decided to put a more happy and uplifting sound to the music when it should have been more gritty and dark.

If you consider yourself a Star Wars fan, you will most definitely respect and love Rogue One. Its take on how the rebels were able to pull off stealing the plans for the Death Star really does make the entire series that much better. The experience of watching this film is unique in its own way but still has the stench of Star Wars all over it, which is completely OK. Get ready to have your mind completely blown in “Rogue One: A Star Wars story.”