As I was sitting upstairs in my room doing my homework, my mom yelled “Savannah, dinner is ready.” So I got up out of my nice warm, cozy bed and I walked downstairs.
Once I got down there, I walked into the kitchen and I could see my little sister eating mac and cheese out of her little plastic green bowl that she always eats out of. But I noticed something white in her mac and cheese. I didn’t really think about so I just walked away and went into the kitchen to grab a bowl and get myself some mac and cheese.
After I put the mac and cheese into my bowl my mom said “put some Parmesan cheese on it, it’s so good.” I hesitated for a second because i thought that was a little weird but I went to the refrigerator and poured some Parmesan on it. Once I did that I went and sat down at the glass dinner table right next to my little sister.
Before taking a bite, I was a little cautious about how it would taste because I have never had it before. When I took a bite it just tasted like the regular gooey mac and cheese at first but then you could taste the little tiny bites of Parmesan cheese to. So I looked at my mom and said “this is really good” and now when we make mac and cheese we put Parmesan cheese on it.